Tuesday, September 8, 2015

One Goal Set...

One thing that I realized over the weekend was that I had goals for my WLS - lose 100+ lbs, do X amount of exercise per day - but none of them were rewards. By reward, I mean having a goal that seems like a payoff. Losing weight and doing more exercise is a payoff of sorts, but it is kind of abstract.

This weekend was my 24th wedding anniversary, and my wife and I were talking about what we would do for our 25th. We discussed where I'll be at physically, and what I might be able to do. That's when I realized that we could do something I'd only dreamt of: riding the Glacial Drumlin State Trail non-stop for its entirety.

When we lived in Wisconsin, my wife and some of her family would do this as an annual - and exhausting - trip. I was supportive, smiley and even did some transport, but I never did the ride. Too long, too hard and "not for me". But I always secretly wanted to do it.

So this is the goal/reward for next year: to lose weight, get in cycling shape, and hit the Glacial Drumlin for its length on the weekend of September 7, 2016!


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