Friday, July 24, 2015

This week's addition (behavior modification)

One of the things we are supposed to be doing during these pre-surgery classes is to take a set of prescribed behavioral behaviors and make them part of our life. Last week (the first week), we were told to start our vitamin regimen; hence, the inclusion of B-complexes, multi-vitamins and gummy-goodies now sitting on my desk.

This week we weren't told what to do - but I think we will be asked about the thing that we added to our lifestyle. The thing that I picked is the addition of at least 30 minutes a day (or 150 minutes a week) of physical effort. This is pretty difficult for me; I've built up a whole internal monologue that goes something like:
You have important work to do.
If you don't do your work, you will disappoint people.
If you leave your desk, you won't get your work done.
Going for a walk is leaving your desk - which will cause everything to collapse.
It's kind of cool that I've built myself up to this level of importance, isn't it? I'm sort of amazed that this is the extent that my brain/body/food-obsession will produce in order to get me to sit in the chair and get ever-fatter every day. So it is walking.

Luckily, I live in a beautiful area, and I have a dog that loves to go for a walk. I also live at high elevation, so some basic walking, combined with small inclines and the limited oxygen, means that I'm huffing and puffing for most of a walk.

Actually started this last Sunday, but didn't want to say anything until I built up a few days of success. So far, except for Thursday (when I only did 10 minutes, because of a downpour), I've gotten a good neighborhood walk in each day. The only problem? I'm already starting to finish in less the 30 minutes, so I'll need to extend the walk a little.

Good problem to have!


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