Wednesday, August 19, 2015

And it is over...

... the classes, that is. I have to admit wanting to sprint out of that place - it had gotten a little 'friendly', and last night was everyone's chance to bitch about their mothers (or mothers-in-law), their co-workers and their kids. Everybody is making them eat food!

Holy crap, was it tiresome. I really wanted to stand up and say: "YOU are the saboteur! YOU are the person that gives yourself permission to get the Mocha Frappaccino. YOU are the Arby's Double Meat Special." But I bit my tongue, because it was clear that some of these people just needed to vent, and we'd become their most inviting recipients.

But I will tell you - one of the weirdest things was that, after all the discussions about food, diet, healthy choices and changes in lifestyle, one of the big conversations last night was about Golden Corral. Yes, that place - the chocolate-fountained swill hole with all you can eat Spare Tires Ribs. One guy (the class over-talker) was concerned that, when you go to Golden Corral, you spend $13, and now you won't be able to eat much!

I was pretty sure the nutritionist was going to blow up at him. But, instead, she said "At the office, we have cards you can hand to people to let them know that you had surgery, and can only eat a child's portion."

I couldn't believe it. The correct answer is "Everything that has made you what you are, you fat lout, can be found in the steamers at Golden Corral. So how about you stick a sock in that one?"


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