Friday, August 14, 2015

Forks Down!

OK - this is impossible. I've come to the realization that I have seldom in my life actually thought about the food that I've been sticking in my face. This exercise of "putting down the fork" in between each bite has been unnerving - and almost impossible for me.

You see, this requires a conscious means of eating, and I feel too distracted to give eating any attention at all. This has to change - if for no other reason that to provide me with a chance to manage my eating post-surgery (before I start puking). But I need to do something that helps me better understand that I'm eating; I already eat at the table, so that's not much of it. But there is something about giving my meals some attention that seems completely foreign to me.

So I have to find some sort of trigger for this - and I've not yet figured out what it would be. If I figure it out, I'll let you know!


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