Wednesday, August 26, 2015

So which way do we go?

So I'm confused. Last night, I watched a rerun of Bill Maher's show where they had the author of the Blue Zone books as a guest. He kind of went off on his theories about longevity, but one claim that he made threw me.

He stated that, after many years, there is no evidence that gym training offers any gain. This aligned with something a friend of mine stated, which is that when he looked into a Very Expensive Fat Farm, he found that they made their cash by keeping people moving for 8+ hours/day. Something about the constant activity was much more helpful in terms of weight management than high-impact, high-intensity training.

How does that fit with the general consensus? And how does this mesh with the prevalence of cross-training, PX and other Super Magical Exercise Plans that seem to populate the landscape?

I dunno.


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