Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Booster...

Well, I'm starting the Movement Toward Surgery (my own device - it helps me feel like progress is occurring) by creating an eating schedule that will more closely align with the 'Liver Shrinking Diet' that I'll be on for the two weeks prior to surgery.

Mostly, this schedule looks like a non-ending parade of Boost Glucose Control shakes.

I'm having a Boost and a coffee at breakfast time, a sandwich and non-Boost drink at lunch, a basic evening meal and another Boost + some peanut butter toast as a nighttime snack. Not perfect, and certainly not the Liver Shrinker, but it does greatly reduce the amount of food I'm eating, and is giving me a renewed chance to come to grips with feeling a little hungry. For some reason, ever since I quit smoking (over a year ago), even small pangs of hunger lead me into eating a large snack.

And there might be the issue with recent weight gains.

So there you go - eating will change, so I might as well start preparing.


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